Amanda Chantal Bacon, wellness entrepreneur and microguru.
Photo courtesy of Moon Juice
What is a microguru and how to become one (if you want to...)
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Big is wasteful, tastes bad, and gets you too high. We are firmly in a micro moment.
I created the term “microguru” to describe the growing ranks of leaders, healers, and teachers. In the 1960’s the Beatles and other seekers had to trek all the way to an ashram in India for an audience with their guru. Gurus were few and wisdom, for the most part, was consolidated among the robed and bearded. Now that self-discovery, leaning, and mindfulness are widespread, guruism is more attainable (like tech gurus or surf gurus) We are in a collective mood to “like” and “follow” and to be followed and impart information.
To be a Microguru all you need is...
Minimal to moderate charisma (which can be developed over time, don’t worry!)
A clear and refined message.
A boutique, niche following (micro doesn't mean small in the loser sense, it’s more like boutique and high end.)
We all have something to teach and give it’s really just a matter of being empowered to share your message. So I see this as both social commentary and an empowerment movement. I hope you will join me. I’d like to start Open “Mic”roguru events where people can present and workshop their concepts in casual, low pressure settings. If you are interested please get in touch.